It refers to the discussions, consultations, negotiations and joint actions undertaken by the social partner organisations

PROJECT TITLE: Education for Suistainable life Project description The project will be devoted to the “Environmental Education extended by the Educational Aspect towards the Sustainable Life” in current consumer society, multicultural education and as well for the development of key competencies of learners. The unrestrained growth of industry in the 20th century has started to devastate the environment and to take the person itself away from the nature by a growth of his/her wealth with the excessive consumption. As a result it is very important to influence own personality development and hereby to form the change of public behavior and the value orientations in relation to the environment. During the seminars and workshops we are planning to present up to date professional experience of the dilemma mentioned and exchange positive European educational practices in the lifelong learning with regards to EU policy. By Involving adult learners, disadvantaged groups of inhabitants and general public into the project dilemma we will emphasize a necessity of Education for Sustainable Life.

PROJECT TITLE: Developing Social dialoque and Collective Bargaining on Lifelonglearning Issues Project description European social dialogue is a unique and indispensable component of the social model. There are now four fields in which takes place – macro-economics, employment, social protection and education and training. In the area of education and training issues, a new process of structured dialogue was established at which all parties are promoting an ongoing concentration on the questions of lifelong learning, and development of competencies. The partners involved in this partnership will focus on the new challenges set for trade union representatives at LLL institutions in the social dialogue. The aims of the project are:- to prepare a comparison of the educational programmes and training courses for TU representatives in partner countries;- to give the participants in the course on social dialogue and collective bargaining in SK, DE, ES, FR, LV, and PT a possibility to discuss their needs and expectations with foreign partners during project meetings;- to prepare curricula for a new training course based on four priorities set for social dialogue: P1: identify and anticipate the competences and qualifications needed; P2: recognise and validate competences and qualifications; P3: informing, supporting and providing guidance; P4: mobilising resources.The results of the project will be disseminated to all institutions that are members in the associations involved in partnership, and to cooperating institutions e.g. ministries of education, training institutions and universities providing further education.

The partners will meet seven times and during the two years of project cooperation they will develop materials for guidance and counselling practise, strategies for enhancing the services and materials for wider publishing to raise public and professional awareness on the topic

Name – Abbreviation: SPGL- Sindicato dos Professores da Grande Lisboa (member of FENPROF) Address: Rua Fialho De Almedia no.3 PT-Portugal, 1070-128, Lisboa Email: [email protected]

Name – Abbreviation: Centro de Estudios CID Address: Av. Valencia 28 ES-Spain, 50005, interracialpeoplemeet Zaragoza Telephone: 976 55 27 79 Email: [email protected]

The mobility between partner organisation will include the experts meetings on specific topics of common interest and study visits for learners /participants in the courses on social dialogue and collective bargaining in continuing training issues

PROJECT TITLE: Guidance and Counselling for Migrants and Returnees Project description The topic of our project is guidance and counselling for internationally mobile people who would like to leverage on their migration / international experience in any of the EU labour markets. The project?s main objective is to enhance guidance and counselling services for migrants, returnees and other mobile professionals, that are provided by the project partners.The project partners will exchange their know-how on different guidance and counselling methods and management of the services. They will explore current needs of migrants and returnees related to soft skills, information, guidance and counselling with the aim to increase their employability in qualified jobs. The project will also deal with the issue of recognizing non-formal and informal learning related to migration/ mobility experience for the purpose of promoting it in the labour market competition. The consortium consists of partners representating public, commercial and NGO sectors in six European countries: Slovakia, the United Kingdom, Cyprus, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Greece.