Block Boards
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Block Boards
Blockboard is a type of plywood that is engineered in a special way. It is pressured in such a way that the softwood strips are found between two layers of the wood veneers in the core of the sheet. This contributes to the dimensional stability of the board. The presence of softwood strips ensures that the board is able to hold nails and screws better than the other engineered boards. Though it is lighter than plywood, it does not split or splinter while cutting because of the presence of softwood in its core.
What are the features of Blockboard?
- The block wood consists of a softwood core between two sheets or layers of ply
- They do not crack easily
- They are not likely to bend easily when heavy objects are placed on them
- The can be lacquered, laminated, painted and veneered
- It is easy to work with for the carpenters
- They do not split or warp
- The blockboard is lighter than the plywood
- The blockboard cand be cleaned and it is easy to maintain
- They are available in different thicknesses ranging from 12mm-50mm
- They are highly durable and suitable for applications where long pieces of wood have to be used.
- The standard size of block board is 2440 X1220 X 30 mm
However, it tends to absorb and retain moisture. So it has to be used with caution in places where it is likely to get wet. Since the glue used to press the plywood under high pressure to make standard blockboard is only good enough for interior use, it cannot be used in the exteriors. But you do have special grade block boards that are made using special glue, that is suitable for exterior use and they are water resistant as well.
Types of Bloack boards
This is meant for use only in the They are referred to as MR Block boards. MR denotes moisture resistant.
- This type of blockboard is of special quality and is meant for use in the exteriors as well. They are referred to as BWP grade block boards or BWR grade block boards. Where BWP denotes boiling waterproof and BWR denotes Boiling water resistant block boards.
Types of blockboard based on the raw wood that is used in the core
In this type of blockboard, the veneers of hardwood are pressed together with strips or battens of softwood in between them. This type of block board is usually meant for use in the interiors and the MR grade block boards are those that usually have softwood core.
In this type of blockboard hard, dense and expensive hardwood strips are glued and pressed together under high pressure. The glue used is also one that is meant for use in the exteriors. The BWR and BWP block boards have hardwood sheets in their core.
Our Services
We provides various products made of block boards including Interior grade block board,Exterior block board,Softwood block board and Hardwood block board